Ali Hamam from Tahinis Restaurant

Go Full Crypto just interviewed our first guest, Ali Hamam from Tahinis Restaurant. This was a really special interview for Go Full Crypto because Ali Hamam lead his business into converting their restaurant cash reserves into Bitcoin just two weeks ago. For some, this is a radical idea, other people are wondering why more aren’t doing this sooner. This is a prime example of a business, and an individual that has gone Full Crypto. More specifically though, Full Bitcoin.

Go Full Bitcoin

Ali Hamam was very enthusiastic and extremely articulate in his reasoning behind converting the cash reserves into Bitcoin. This decision was made rather recently amidst the financial crisis that took place in March 2020. After diving into Bitcoin on a personal level, Ali and his business partners decided that Bitcoin was a better long term strategy than holding their business’ reserves in cash.

Ali tells Go Full Crypto the story of how he got into Bitcoin at the beginning of 2020. The story unfolds with Ali being influenced by a number of prominent figures in the Bitcoin space. It was fascinating to hear the pieces and articles that Ali read that convinced him so quickly and entirely to make the decision to Go Full Bitcoin with Tahinis Restaurant. Here is a snippet from the show.

Bitcoin is just doing the opposite of what the whole world is doing right now. Everybody (countries) is out there printing money like crazy and Bitcoin just did the exact opposite… People will realize that and we will see something spectacular — Ali Hamam

If you want to watch/listen to the entire episode, you’re going to have to catch the episode on one of our publishing channels.

P.S. Catch Ali Hamam on Twitter, his handle is @TheRealTahinis. Ali has been tweeting like mad on Bitcoin recently, with tons of shout outs and infinite Bitcoin wisdom for the masses.

Podcast Episode 10

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